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The Power of your Brand Story.

The Power of your Brand Story

Everyone loves a good story and it’s essential to release the power of your brand story. Stories are used to communicate our thoughts and feelings to each other. Good stories are full of surprises, twists and turns, and valuable lessons. Good storytellers master the emotional connections we all crave using expressive language and narration. Storytelling is a special skill that can be used to drive your brand. Using the power of expressive, articulate and emotional language will create a lasting connection with your customers. 

Brands engage with customers on a variety of different levels. Whether it’s advertising, blog posts, social media, or trade events, brands constantly try to connect with their customers, encourage sales and hope for brand loyalty. However, some brands do this by offering deals, grabbing the instant gratification of a sale. They do this without realising that the customer will soon forget who they bought from and will never become loyal to that brand. On the other hand, the business that tells its brand story, creating an emotional connection, will engage with customers on a much deeper level. This makes a lasting impression and goes toward building a loyal fanbase. 

Creating loyal customers who will return time and time again goes way beyond simply selling your products. A good story makes it easy for customers to make a conscious decision to buy into your brand. It invites them to become part of your journey, share in your values and believe in your purpose. 

So, how do you write a great brand story? 

Start by writing down how you got to where you are today. In full. Leave nothing out, spare no detail and be frankly honest. Include everything from why you started the business in the first place all the way through to what, and who has brought the business to this point in time. The most important things to consider are the purpose behind the business and the dream that brought the business to life. Tie in anecdotes with historical facts then bring the story together with where you want the company to be in the future. 

Next, use what you have just written to create a brand statement that sums up the purpose of your business, why your company exists, why you get out of bed in the morning. This statement goes further than your traditional mission statement. It’s driven by your dreams and values. It is a consideration of what is important to you, your customers and your shareholders. This is what you will tell people your business is all about. Don’t be afraid to be a little bit different and unique. 

The statement you have just created now becomes the focal point of your brand story. Your story should come straight from the heart, share your dreams and tell people why you do what you do. In doing so, it should invite them to join you on your journey and share in your purpose. It doesn’t need to be a long story. A single page will do just as good a job if it encapsulates your brand statement. But bear in mind, a good story must be open, honest and true. Customers will see in a heartbeat if you are not being authentic in your storytelling and will turn off your brand in an instant. Remember, when there is a purpose behind your story, customers will engage on every level and this will drive loyalty towards your brand. 

Telling your brand story is a great building block for the future. It will be the spark for new ideas and the launchpad for growing your business. The power of your brand story will make a lasting impression on your colleagues, suppliers, and your customers. It will ensure your brand is aligned with your values and will be the basis of a consistent and engaging brand identity. All you need to do now is share it. 

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