Port of Middlesbrough launches new website

AV Dawson is a fast-growing, forward-thinking company and wanted Port of Middlesbrough a new and improved website to reflect this. From the very outset, AV Dawson wanted the team to be the central part of the new website as the performance and growth of the business depends on the strength of the team, so a sense of this needed to be integrated into the design. Too often, freight company websites, just like many corporate company websites, do not focus enough on the people. We needed to strike a good balance between the people, the size and strength of the company and the physical assets AV Dawson have at their disposal. The new web design to be modern, eye-catching, business-like, easy to navigate and easily updated. No mean feat for a company of AV Dawson’s stature but we love a challenge like this. 

The Solution for Port of Middlesbrough

We modernised the design using a new wide page structure, made it brighter and more eye-catching, and brought the new “Port of Middlesbroughcommercial brand design to the forefront. We also introduced a lot more photography and images of the AVD Dawson team at work on-site, in the offices and even focused on the charity work a lot of our team members take part in. From the outset, the website design was built with the ability to be expanded in the future when new features and information became available. One of the most important things to build into any website is adaptability to mobile and handheld devices. At LemonTop we do this as a matter of course, as more and more users are now viewing websites on these devices. The new AV Dawson website is fully adaptive and can be viewed on any platform.

Port of Middlesbrough Considerations

AV Dawson now have an eye-catching, modern website which can be fully updated, as and when needed, via the content management system. It has brought a new lease of life to the whole company’s online presence and has been welcomed as a much needed breath of fresh air in the industry. It portrays AV Dawson as a modern and progressive company who have proven to be ambassadors not just for the local area but also for the entire freight industry. 

The Results for Port of Middlesbrough

AV Dawson, eCommerce Website Design, Web Design, digital services, Port of middlesbrough
AV Dawson, eCommerce Website Design, Web Design, digital services, Port of middlesbrough
AV Dawson, eCommerce Website Design, Web Design, digital services, Port of middlesbrough

What our customers say…

“LemonTop are a top agency we can rely on to get projects completed in quick succession. The team are a great bunch to work with and are on-hand to constantly support us with any design, website and digital queries we have.”
Lucy Tyreman
Communications Business Partner