The Challenge:

After completing a full set of bottle label designs for the Classic Castle Eden range, Castle Eden Brewery asked us, a drinks branding agency, to create a few ideas for a selection of modern, experimental beers they were going to produce. As we had taken an illustrative, historical approach to the Classic range, the brewery wanted to see a complete contrast with these new modern beers and asked us to produce something fresh, stylish and contemporary that would grab the attention of the modern drinker. We were given the opportunity to create something completely new and different, but we knew we had to put our thinking caps on if the new range were to stand out on the shelf. 

The Solution:

Being brewery branding specialists, we have to keep an eye on what everyone is doing regarding branding, labelling and packaging. We already know what the modern design trends are, but we always have to keep one step ahead of the game. For the Castle Eden Modern range, we went for a completely typographic approach, simplifying everything down to create a clean, crisp, progressive design that would be different enough to stand out from competitors yet still look like a desirable and drinkable selection of beers. We know colour plays a big part in how labels are perceived, however, we took it one step further and created colourful background patterns that illustrated the name of the beer without being too exaggerated or overstated. 


Many breweries have the misguided goal of wanting everybody to drink their beer, but Castle Eden Brewery realise that their audience can’t be everyone. While they have the Classic Range to appeal to the traditional beer drinker, these labels had to appeal to the more discerning drinker. Someone who is maybe just a little bored with the mass market lagers they have been used to and is now getting into the craft beer scene. 

The Results

The result was a unique set of labels that appeal to a targeted audience and have created a niche in an otherwise crowded marketplace. Simplicity of design and message have ensured they will stand out and the modern progressive design can be easily transferred to future beers, standing the test of time for many brews to come.