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Social Responsibility, a challenge fuelled by change.

Social Responsibility

Working with organisations like Discover Brightwater and The Wildlife Trust has opened up a whole new topic of conversation in the LemonTop offices. With the growth of social awareness and global eco-consciousness comes a new challenge. One of taking into consideration our customers beliefs as they take responsibility for their impact on the environment, and on society. It’s a challenge that is fuelled by change. Social responsibility and environmental responsibility have become a part of LemonTop’s identity, as we push forward into a new decade.

One area of social responsibility that we can act upon as designers is to be environmentally conscious and endeavour to become carbon neutral. Many of our clients are opening up to this new era of responsibility and accountability. It’s something we are helping them achieve through the work we do together.

LemonTop as a creative design agency has always been environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout its life cycle. We work in a beautiful part of the world and are surrounded by some of the most alluring countrysides England has to offer, and we want to keep it that way. Our LemonTop ‘Make a Difference’ policy encourages all our customers to be aware of the things we can do together to become more environmentally friendly, such as printing with vegetable-based inks, creating recyclable, reusable packaging designs and looking at our carbon footprint. Not everybody will join us, and we understand that, but those who share our vision and values are taking this on board and helping us create a more environmentally responsible way of working.

At LemonTop we make sure our actions speak louder than our words. We are working towards a paperless office, we use low energy LCD computer screens, we have video conferencing facilities set up, we reuse and recycle wherever we can…the list goes on. It’s up to businesses like ours to help our customers do everything they can to have as little impact on the environment as possible and work towards becoming carbon neutral. We hope our customers can all share a common goal by opening up to the global eco-consciousness and rise to the challenges it brings.

We are working with many businesses and organisations that have decided to take a stand and accept social responsibility for their impact on the environment. We also work with organisations whose sole purpose is to implement change and look after our environment. A prime example of this is Discover Brightwater. We are helping Discover Brightwater spread its environmental responsibility message. Through their groundwork and landscaping projects, they are making the countryside a beautiful and fun place to discover and create a better environment for present and future generations and we are helping them promote this.
There are ways we can all become socially responsible and environmentally aware. Taking action is so easy with organisations like The Carbon Trust, Seven Clean Seas and Green Alliance all showing businesses how they can work together to promote change.

Social responsibility doesn’t stop at environmental issues, it covers a whole host of ethical dilemmas. As well as environmental concerns, we are also aware of our social responsibility to our customers and consumers. Most of our work is in the alcohol industry, and we have our own brand of alcohol in LemonTop Gin. Working with organisations like drinkaware allows us to gather the knowledge we need to promote our ‘responsible drinking’ message. We also promote mental and physical health and well-being amongst our staff members, and we’ll cover these topics in a future blog post.

For now, I’ll leave you with this thought. Imagine if trees gave free WiFi, we’d be planting like crazy. It’s a shame they only give us the oxygen we breathe.

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