Crag Springwater On Plinths, Drinks Branding
Crag Springwater On Plinths

Crag Springwater do Water Differently

showcasing: brand development • creative design • illustration • typography

Crag Steam Punk
Crag Springwater Viking
Crag Springwater Logo

Crag Springwater is an authentically Cheshire and quintessentially British family-run business. Based in the village of Wildboarclough, where legend claims the last wild boar was shot, it’s an eco-friendly brand of spring water with an extraordinary story. Its passionate owner, Doran Binder, asked us to help create a brand that “did water differently”. Our illustrative take on Doran’s history, and his focus on healthy hydration, gave us the opportunity to create something different, unique and memorable.

We decided from an early stage in the process that Doran’s unique look and character were key to creating the Crag Springwater brand that would enamour customers and make them curious to meet this “Bearded Water Somellier”. Doran’s Danish roots were brought into the design as we playfully portrayed him on the front of the cans as a strong, spirited Viking, watching over the exceptional spring that produces this finest of natural waters. We tied the design together with a landscape that displayed the natural beauty of the Shutlingsloe Crag area and brought to light the story behind such a beautiful part of the English landscape.

Crag Label Sketch
Crag Spring Water Full 360 Digitally Printed Cans

Crag Springwater now has a beautifully illustrated range of cans that portray the passion, knowledge and history of the Crag Springwater brand.

Combining a modern look with a traditional hand-crafted feel, the brand identity appeals to those who want something unique and different.

The cans portray a proud history and show that the environment, healthy hydration, and the quality of the water are at the heart of everything Crag Springwater do.

These designs are a breath of fresh air in the drinks industry and show what can be achieved with creative thinking and a willingness to push the boundaries of design.

Click here to visit the Crag website.

What our customers say…

Andy has been brilliant, I will hopefully be using him for years to come. Best designer I’ve ever worked with.
Dorain Binder